Reading: Wisdom 11:22-12:2
Context. Wisdom
is a book written in Greek from the Diaspora shortly before the birth of Christ. It is directed to educated Jews living in
heavily Hellenized areas (such as Alexandria, where it was probably written) to
encourage them to remain faithful and keep on loving their revealed
tradition. There are pulls and pushes
moving them away from this: the pull of compelling Pagan philosophy and
science; the twin pushes of social anti-Semitism and existential questions of
theodicy. The book admits that Jews
can admire pagan ‘wisdom,’ but should not be jealous as they have true
Wisdom. Wisdom is from God and touches
all subject matters, including the apparently profane. The second half is a meditation on the
Exodus. It provides hope for current
Jews suffering in Egypt and a historical basis for claims that God helps the
just and punishes the wicked.