Advent I, Year B; St. Adalbert's parish
Video (homily starts at 14:40).
We live with all kinds of
distance and separation and isolation right now. And maybe there are actually
ways to use that fruitfully for our spiritual lives. It’s like how we fast in
Lent. Now, hunger isn’t a good thing, hunger is a bad thing we want to
eradicate, but we can use a bit of hunger in our spiritual lives, because what
we feel so easily in our stomachs is just as real, but sometimes harder to
sense, in our hearts and in our souls. We hunger for holiness, we hunger for God,
and a little dose of hunger in our stomachs can help us recognize and name that
and respond to it. In this same way, any pangs we feel of distance and
separation from loved ones, very real, not a good thing, but maybe they can
help us recognize and name that just as real but sometimes harder to sense
distance from God. That distance that led the prophet in our first reading to
cry out, “Would that you would rend the heavens and come down!”