Sunday, July 19, 2020

El reino de dios crecerá para dar la bienvenida a todos – Mat 13:24-43

XVI Domingo ordinario, Ciclo A; San Adalberto

Los trabajadores están bastante seguros de que pueden notar la diferencia entre trigo, la planta que se quiere, y cizaña. El amo les dice que se equivoquan. La apariencia no nos dice en que se convertirá algo. La aperiencia no nos dice en que se convertirá alguien.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Jesus comes to us – Zech 9:9-10; Matt 11:25-30

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A; Moreau Seminary & St. Adalbert's parish.

One of my favorite “Bible quotes” that’s nowhere to be found in the actual Bible is “this too shall pass.” The first occurrence of that phrase in English seems to be in a nineteenth century English translation of Sufi poetry, and, in a speech in 1859, Abraham Lincoln claimed that an unidentified “Eastern monarch” had charged his sages to come up with an adage that would be true and appropriate in all situations, and that what they had offered him was this: “this too shall pass.”