Sunday, December 9, 2012

God perfects us in love – Phil 1:4-6, 8-11.

Moreau Sunday Vespers; Preaching on the Second Reading (Phil) from today's Mass.

“May God who began this good work in you bring it to completion.”  Many of us in this room have heard these words spoken directly to us and many will hear them in the future, whether again or for the first time.  They were first spoken to me by Fr. David Tyson right after I professed first vows.  I hope I will hear them for a final time in April of 2014, moments before the Bishop’s consecratory prayer will make me a priest.  This good work… may God bring it to completion.

He will, and He is.  Because St. Paul is, we can be confident of God’s sanctifying action in each of our lives, and equally in our common life in Holy Cross.  That divine spark that made you contemplate a religious vocation, that led you to go to church after your parents stopped making you (if they ever did), that drew your eye to the poor and suffering and moved your heart to act… that will be completed, that will be made perfect.  Spark will kindle and God’s breath will fan and the fire will light up the night.  Like a reflecting moon we’ll look and see how beautiful all creation looks in God’s light.

We see glimmers of that now.  We see it when, like Paul and Philippians, we ardently desire the good of another with the affection, the passion of Christ.  God is answering Paul’s prayer that our love be increased more and more, but, as our Constitutions put it, we still “find it within ourselves to hold back.”  We see but glimmers.  Advent is the time of candles, not bonfires. This good work can seem to sputter in the cold night’s air.  Righteousness can seem stuck in winter, not yet bearing fruit.  Not yet.  This good work: wait for it, long for it, love it – God will bring it to completion.

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